Player Transfer


Please complete the form below to apply for a clearance to enable you to play for a different Club in the 2023 TTSA Winter Pennant Competition:


The completed form must be emailed to the player's former club and also a copy to the TTSA Match Coordinator.
The email address for the different Clubs may be found under the 'Clubs' tab on the main menu. By clicking the email icon,
shown for the Club an email form will be automatically opened.


Section 13 - Transfer Regulation

1 Players must apply for a Player Transfer if they intend to play for a Club other than the one they played for in the previous year.
2 The closing date for Player Transfers will be before the commencement of the first round of winter pennant matches.
3 A transfer will not be granted to a player who has played in the current season.
4 A player must apply for a transfer by email only on the Player Transfer Application Form available above for download.
5 The form once completed must be emailed as an attachment to the Club for which he/she has previously played with a copy sent to the Match Play Coordinator.
6 If a player is unfinancial or in dispute with his/her previous Club then the transfer will not be allowed.
7 While no Transfer Application is required for a player who did not play in the prior season a player's nomination to play in the current season will not be accepted if they were unfinancial or in dispute with their prior club and that club objects to their nomination.
8 In the event of a prolonged injury causing retirement during the season the Match Play Coordinator may grant a mid-season transfer to a player that has not nominated to play in the current season.
9 A mid-season approved transfer player will not be permitted to replace a player of a lower winter pennant ranking/rating.